Outset Finance

For the financially excluded, start-ups and young businesses with no track record and a lack of financial collateral, finance can be hard to get. Under-capitalisation is also a significant issue for women starting businesses and in today’s economic climate, it’s equally as challenging to access finance for working or growth capital. We’ve raised a total of £70m of funding to help overcome these barriers.

Outset Finance service offers our clients holistic support when it comes to accessing finance – particularly those that might struggle to get a loan from mainstream lenders or have been rejected by the bank.

Our team works with new clients to ensure that their business plans and financial forecasts are de-risked, robust and well-written in order to increase their chances of loan approval. While other loan companies offer money-only solutions, Outset Finance can match businesses with a suitable mentor who will help them navigate any tricky problems beyond finance. They can also attend any of their local Outset workshops or log on to Outset Online for free access to video tutorials, business calculators, hand-outs and other resources.

Over the past six years, we have secured over £25m worth of funding to new and early stage businesses, providing them with a sustainable solution to the challenges of affordable finance.

The confidence that Outset Finance helped to give us was extremely valuable in helping us to make the leap into running our own business.

Debra Reavill

Newquay Gymnastics