YTKO are experts in enterprise, and passionate about enabling positive social and economic change in everything that we do. For more than four decades, we have worked with some of the world’s most dynamic and innovative companies: some very large, some very small – but all, like us, sharing a desire for results, growth and profitability, to sustain their businesses, deliver growth and plan for the future with confidence.

Our areas of expertise include services for:
For entrepreneurs thinking of starting a business, or already established SMEs looking for help to scale-up, offering a wide range of training, support and access to finance.
Combined Authorities and LEPs – providing programme management and delivery of a range of services to help support SMES or entrepreneurs within their operational regions.
Providing key services to assist in a range of areas from responding to redundancy, exploiting your social value, to running P2P and mentoring communities on your behalf.
Our passion for making a difference means clients get measurable results: higher awareness, shorter time to market, decreased costs, increased revenues, and improved customer retention.
We focus on bottom line results and flexibility in the delivery of our services – after all, we’re an SME too. We are as happy to work on small projects as we are to carry out larger, longer-term strategic consultancy or implementation contracts, and innovation, proactivity and integrity are core to our way of working.
YTKO are high energetic, pro-active client and partner focused deliverer. They are very responsive to funder and programme requirements.
Les Roper
Innovation & Enterprise Commissioning Manager ERDF
Department of Communities & Local Government