B2B Demand Generation

Whether you’re trying to engage small businesses, the 5% of growth SMEs, or trying to sell into corporates, it’s vital to really understand and speak their language, to their needs and wants, and ensure that everything you say through all communication channels resonates with them. Speaking in benefits rather than features, and tying your messages into tangible bottom-line savings of time and money will accelerate your engagement and sales more than anything else.

Content Marketing

Great content has always been king – it is nothing new! It plays a huge role in successful demand generation strategies at all stages of the journey, from awareness, engagement, sales and post-sales retention. For B2B sales, it is one of the most important parts of your marketing strategy, regardless of the channels you use to disseminate it.

Social Media 

Social media is one great way to share your content like blog posts, infographics, and videos on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. This will help you to generate buzz about your business, and if people like the things you share, not only will they will be more likely to consider doing business with you, but share them further.

Social media also gives you the power to listen to what customers and prospects have to say about your business, competitors, and your industry. You can then tailor your content to be more effective in positioning your products and services as the prime solution to the problems they face.

Email Marketing

Sending weekly or monthly email newsletters is another effective way to spread great content that not only gets opened but clicked on or downloaded.  You can also add calls to action in your emails to drive traffic to your website, for example with a special promotion or a white paper or thought piece.

Driving people to your site means you can really track engagement rates and determine which bits of content really resonate with your prospects and customers. For example, from which part of your newsletter content did they visit your site from? How long were they on there, and what did they do? Did they use one of your free tools or download a guide, or view a page on your website that suggests purchase intent?

If you want to increase your B2B demand generation for your business and expand your customer base, YTKO can help. Contact us today and speak with one of our B2B demand generation strategists.